"И ты, Брут... "
Ham radio в опасности!
NEWS RELEASE International Amateur Radio UnionP.O. Box 310905
Newington, CT 06131-0905 USA
FAX: +1 860 594 0259
8 October 2001
For immediate release
WRC-2003 Dominates Discussion at IARU Council Meeting
The Administrative Council of the International Amateur Radio Union met on 6-8 October 2001 in Guatemala City, Guatemala, following the 14th General Assembly of IARU Region 2. The principal business at the Guatemala City meeting was to continue preparations for WRC-2003, which has several items of importance to the amateur services on its agenda.
At its Guatemala City meeting the Administrative Council took the following actions:
1. The status of IARU preparations for WRC-2003 was reviewed. The agenda items of concern include harmonization of amateur and broadcasting allocations near 7 MHz, adequacy of HF broadcasting allocations below 10 MHz, possible revision of Article S25 of the international Radio Regulations, changes to terms and definitions in Article S1 as a result of amendments to Article S25, review of provisions concerning the formation of amateur call signs in Article S19, additional allocations for Little LEO satellites, study of a possible allocation to the earth exploration-satellite service for synthetic aperture radars (SARs) near 435 MHz, and possible identification of globally harmonized frequency bands for use by agencies and organizations dealing with public protection (such as police) and disaster relief. IARU objectives with regard to these agenda items were affirmed.
2. The IARU Council adopted the following resolution:
Considering the approval without opposition of ITU-R
Recommendation M.1544, which sets out the minimum qualifications of radio
recognizing that the Morse code continues to be an effective and efficient mode of communication used by many thousands of radio amateurs, but
further recognizing that the position of Morse as a qualifying criterion for an HF amateur license is no longer relevant to the healthy future of amateur radio,
member societies are urged to seek, as an interim
measure, Morse code testing speeds not exceeding five words per minute;
(Ага. И телефоном тогда
тоже. Специально для олигофренов.)
3. The ITU meetings at which IARU representation will be required for the coming year were identified, and the recommendations of the President and International Secretariat with regard to representatives to attend these meetings were reviewed.
4. The present and anticipated future requirements for radio spectrum allocations to the amateur and amateur-satellite services were reviewed, updated and approved.
5. The budget for 2002-2004 was adopted as submitted by the International Secretariat. The budget includes provision for financial contributions from the three regional organizations to defray a portion of the expenses.
6. The theme for World Amateur Radio Day, 18 April 2002, was selected as "Amateur Radio: Continuing Innovation in Communication Technology."
7. Preparations for IARU participation in upcoming ITU regional and world TELECOMs and Forums were reviewed.
8. The Council considered the ongoing discussions of reform of the ITU structure and agreed to continue to monitor these deliberations with regard to any changes affecting amateur radio.
9. The Council noted the growing popularity of the IARU HF World Championship and urged Headquarters Stations of member-societies to participate. The Council also urged the members of the regional executive committees to take part on an individual basis.
10. The Council received with thanks a report from the International Secretariat on new technologies being introduced in the amateur service and expressed appreciation for the contributions of the individuals responsible for these exciting developments.
11. Reports of IARU international coordinators and advisers were received. Retiring Beacon Project Coordinator Bob Fabry, N6EK, was thanked for his work.
12. Retiring Region 2 President Tom Atkins, VE3CDM, was applauded for his distinguished contributions to the work of the IARU and the Administrative Council during his 18 years of service as an officer of Region 2.
13. The next scheduled meeting of the Council will be held on 11-13 September 2002, in the vicinity of San Marino, immediately before the Conference of IARU Region 1.
Attending the meeting were IARU President Larry Price, W4RA; Vice President David Wardlaw, VK3ADW; Secretary David Sumner, K1ZZ; regional representatives Ole Garpestad, LA2RR, Tom Atkins, VE3CDM, Rod Stafford, W6ROD, Ron Szama, LU2AH, Fred Johnson, ZL2AMJ, and Y. S. Park, HL1IFM; and recording secretary Paul Rinaldo, W4RI.
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